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Тибор Скитовски
Tibor de Scitovsky
Источник: Вехи экономической мысли. Теория потребительского поведения и спроса. Т.1. Под ред. В.М.Гальперина.- СПб.: Экономическая школа. 1999.
Скитовски. Тибор
Родился в Будапеште в 1910 г. Изучал право в Будапеште и экономику в Лондонской школе экономики. Эмигрировал в США в 1939 г. Во время войны служил в армии. Преподавал в Стэнфорде, Беркли, Йельском и Гарвардском университетах, в Лондонской школе экономики.
Основные работы посвящены различным проблемам микроэкономики, теории благосостояния, международной торговли, экономического развития. Скитовски является автором весьма популярного инструмента в теории благосостояния - общественной кривой безразличия (Community Indifference Curve).
Основные работы:
"A Study of Interest and Capital", 1940, Economica.
"A Note on Welfare Propositions in Economics", 1941, RES.
"Capital Accumulation, Employment and Price Rigidity", 1941, RES.
"A Reconsideration of the Theory of Tariffs", 1942, RES.
"A Note on Profit Maximization and its Implications", 1943, RES.
Welfare and Competition: the economics of a fully employed economy, 1951.
Mobilizing Resources for War: The economic alternatives, with E.S. Shaw and L. Tarshis, 1951.
"Two Concepts of External Economies", 1954, JPE.
Economic Theory and Western European Integration, 1958.
"Standsards for the Performance of Our Economic System", 1960, AER
"On the Principle of Consumer's Sovereignty", 1962, AER
Papers on Welfare and Growth, 1964.
Money and the Balance of Payments, 1969.
Industry and Trade in Some Developing Countries, with I.M.D. Little and M.F.G. Scott, 1970.
"What's Wrong with the Arts is What's Wrong with Society", 1972, AER.
"The Producer Society", 1972, De Economist.
"The Place of Economic Welfare in Human Welfare", 1973, QJE.
"Inequalities: Open and hidden, measured and immeasurable", 1974, Annals of AAPSS.
"Are Men Rational or Economists Wrong?", 1974, in Nations and Households in Economic Growth.
The Joyless Economy: An inquiry into human satisfaction and consumer dissatisfaction, 1976.
"Market Power and Inflation", 1978, Economica.
"Asymmetries in Economics", 1978, Scottish Journal of PE.
"Can Changing Consumer Tastes Save Resources?", 1979, in Economic Growth and Resources.
"Can Capitalism Survive? An old question in a new setting", 1980, AER.
"Excess Demand for Job Importance and its Implications", 1981, in Wert und Praefernzprobleme in den Sozialwissenshaften.
"The Desire for Excitement in Modern Society", 1981, Kyklos.
"Subsidies for the Arts: The economic argument", 1983, in Economic Support for the Arts.
"Human Desire and Economics Satisfaction", 1985, Kyklos.
"Psychologizing by Economists", 1986, in MacFadyen, editors, Psychology.
Human Desire and Economic Satisfaction: Essays on the frontiers of economics, 1986.
"Growth in the Affluent Society", 1987, Lloyds BR.
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