Economicus.Ru » Галерея экономистов » Абрам Бергсон

Abram Bergson
 Краткая справка
 A Biographical Memoir by PAUL A. SAMUELSON
 John Hardt - ABRAM BERGSON‘S LEGACY - 1914-2003
 Деннис Мюллер. Общественный выбор III. Введение
 Soviet Economics
 Kenneth J. Arrow A Difficulty in the Concept of Social Welfare
 Abram Bergson, Economist
 Gur Ofer Abram Bergson: The Life of a Comparativist
 At a Meeting of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences on November 18, 2003, the following Minute was placed upon the records
 Bergsonian Norms for Gauging the Soviet Future
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