Галерея экономистов
Джон Кеннет ГЭЛБРЕЙТ
Джон Кеннет
John Kenneth Galbraith
Biography from the home page at Harvard University
Short bio from the
The Interview with J.K.G. in Berkeley (1996)
Фото Дж. К. Гэлбрейта из книги "The Age of Uncertainty"
Экономические теории и цели общества, 1973
Глух Н. А. Дж. К. Гэлбрейт: концепции "зрелой корпорации" и "нового социализма"
Holhut R. T. John Kenneth Galbraith Talks About "The Good Society"
Reisman D. A. Galbraith on ideas and events
Karier T. The heresies of John Kenneth Galbraith
Gardels, Nathan. Newt notwithstanding, the welfare state is here to stay
White, Eugene N. The stock market boom and crash of 1929 revisited
Parker, Richard. Vintage Galbraith
Sowell, T. Galbraith strikes again
McKenzie, Richard B. The first and second Reich: The taming of an industrial-policy advocate
Bruce, Kyle. Conflict and Conversion: Henry S. Dennison and the Shaping of J.K. Galbraith's ECONOMIC THOUGHT
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